Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Meeting Clarity

A ICT Images Team Member was facilitating a board retreat with the support of the images: The first time I used the images was to help each of the five participants name the outcome that they wanted from the retreat. One selected the tunnel image to represent looking forward to finding clarity in the dark. Clarity had been missing for a long time and she wanted to know that all in the room agreed on the group purpose.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Speak from your Heart

A JICT Images Team Member was facilitating a group with the support of the images: In a moment of insight, I gave each person a random JICT Images card and from that card they had to name a criterion that they felt would be important in deciding who would receive the money they had to distribute. One person was given the image of the dried seaweed and she had no answer at first. Then she realized that what she wanted was to make sure that as many people as possible would benefit from their efforts. We posted the criteria and used it as a guide for our decision-making. We kept the cards on the table so we could stay connected to what was important.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Prickly Beauty

One of the JICT Team was facilitating a meeting. This is what she discovered with the use of JICT Images: As I recognized the low energy in the room I knew I needed to shift and lift the energy because no creativity was possible from this place. I asked them to select on image that connected to their understanding of the essence of the work of their organization. This allowed them to reconnect to what they care about and to see that what had been missing was the basic alignment of purpose all along. One person selected the cactus with the yellow flower. She said that in the world where children's play was been squeezed out of the educational experience of young children, that their work brought beauty into the bleakness.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

JICT Images Around the World

Young girls in Ecuador are using JICT Images as they work in small groups. These images work with all ages and people who speak languages other than English… this is just one example. Notice the expressions on each face. Images take everyone to a deeper place, perhaps within the heart, where the center of emotions lives. When a person feels what she believes or desires it is many times easier to say it to herself or within a group. Have you had such an experience with images? Please share it with us!
We invite you to share your creative ideas...guided by your intuition...leading to transformation in the use of images with groups and individuals.